Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(634) Army style of rationing

Yesterday I walked past a kindergarten and picked a well-sharpened long pencil.

That brought to mind a dear friend. She would buy pencils by the gross(144) and kept them under lock and key. At the beginning of each month, she would hand out four to each child that used pencils in school.

I listened to her methodical approach with half an ear and could not help but be impressed. A few months later her daughter came to my house for a few hours. She brought her home work and in due course started on her exercises. I took my daughter's sharpener and proceeded to help this little girl in getting her pencils sharpened. As she wrote, we chatted.

After a few moments, I asked her why were her pencils all very short. She replied that she lost those her mum gave her and had to resort to collect those that her friends discarded.

We moved on to talk about music and drawing classes, friends in school and a dozen other things that was of concern to an eight year old. After she left, I went on to wonder if she was careless in caring for her stationery or could those pencils be stolen by craftier classmates.

* box-o-pencils4c.gif from school.discovery.education.com

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