Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(632) Cats are tempted by fish

When this couple was residing in Wellington they were happily married. They have three children. They are not rich, but there is an undefinable harmonious feeling in their home. Now they live in Auckland. They are much more affluent, but somehow things are no longer the same. For one, Mr. Green traveled more. Then Mrs Green no longer trusts her husband. We don't really know for sure if there is any evidence or basis, Mrs Green thinks her other half cheats on her.

In this particular case, Mrs Green took a few remedial steps and she thinks the wayward husband came back. In other cases, the same remedial steps chased the husband further away. It could mean ending up in the divorce court. Or it could mean two strangers living in the same house. Yet it is evident that once the mutual trust is gone, the marriage could no longer rest on the same footing. The lady looks at every rash and skin problem as the much feared STD. Hand phones are guarded with the fear of losing life and limb. A million and one things changed. Is it really worth it for the man to have a few one night stands or for the matter, a long lasting illicit affair in some far off country? It means having a wife that is divided from him for the rest of his living days. That obviously could not be any loyalty left in the relationship. He would thereafter be known as unfaithful, untrustworthy, a turncoat, a common lier and cheat.

* LotusFlowerNecklace.jpg from beadinfinitum.com

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