Signs of Learning Difficulties

0. great difficulty in spelling         eg. spelling words with no vowels

1. inability to tell right from left    eg. when giving directions, verbally say left but
                                                    points right with hand.
2. inability to tell front from back eg. when told to get in the back of a car, got in front instead

3. inability to tell up from down   eg. when told to switch on a lamp, switch off instead

4. A reasonably intelligent child comes to the chapter on prepositions,
    has absolutely no idea how it works despite much effort in learning
    and attempts to remember.

5. reversing b and d

6. confusing between g and q

7. confusing between m and w

8. having tremendous difficulty in following a list of a few instructions or steps.

9. having difficulty in associating a symbol (letter) with a sound

10. having difficulty of putting the months in order even after months or years of working at
      remembering the twelve names of the months

11. having difficulty associating date (day/month/year) with what week day it is, or even
      remembering it was last week, this week or next week without looking at a calendar.

12. inability to tell the passage of time eg. to walk from home to school may take 10 minutes
      only, the child started an hour earlier, got distracted and side tracked. In the end he may
      get punished for reaching school late.