Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(633) Expectation

I was holding the communion server and walking rapidly away towards the  exit. Pastor Amy said something that caught my attention. I turned my head back, surveyed the small group momentarily, smiled and moved on. I saw two new comers talking to Pastor Amy. The latter was pointing to me  and probably said that the woman holding the server was Elizabeth's mum. Apparently in the previous few weeks  Elizabeth was assigned to co-ordinate transportation for new comers (youth) to attend Camp. One particular mum who was favorably impressed with my daughter was curious to see who her mother was.

Right after sports day when Elizabeth was in Grade One, I was walking behind a couple. The father asked, "But who is Elizabeth?"  Later I found that my youngest was rather outstanding in her class, the group of homemaker mums waiting at the school gate before dismissal time at the end of the school day would talk about what she did or achieved the previous day.

Looking further back in nursery school, one mother refused to believe that I was Elizabeth's mum. She told the teacher that the latter must be mistaken.

It is futile to deny that in terms of appearance, Elizabeth favors my husband. My skin tans as soon as it is exposed to the least amount of sunlight and it holds the tan for at least two years. My husband and daughter have fair skin, they peel rather than tan.

Elizabeth carries clothes well and chooses colours smartly. Through the years, I have learned to blend and never dress to attract attention. She is an extrovert while I remain somewhat introverted. Yet why do folks insist that a daughter must look like, act like and behave like her mum?

* ipod-flower.jpg from geekalerts.com

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