Saturday, December 10, 2011

(597) Gods

I have forgotten where I heard or read this story. For many years, China went through a series of upheavals. The Taoist there could not practice their religion. As soon as it was possible, people went back to their old ways. One old lady wanted to find out what happened to her younger brother. She was illiterate and lost contact with her brother in Singapore.

She went to a medium and asked the guide to search for her brother by giving his name and birthday and year. The medium went into deep trance and I guess his spirit went across the seas to the island of Singapore. A few moments later he returned and described a big block of building. The medium could only tell the old lady that her brother was well. There was a black cross on top of his front door. He could tell her the number of the unit and even the design of the curtains. But he said he could not enter the apartment. There was a huge and tall guard in front of the main entrance. He said the old lady's brother believed in a God that is stronger than the medium's God.

A year or so later, some relatives returned to the old home town and managed to reestablish contact for the set of brother and sister. The elder sister asked for a photograph of the brother's front entrance, sure enough it was exactly as the medium said. The younger brother brought his family back to visit. They shared the good news with his aged sister, she readily accepted the bigger God who sent a heavenly guard (guardian angel) to look after her brother's family.

I wish all real life stories end as well as this. When I first chose to accept Jesus, I was the only one in my immediate family. This is more than twenty years later, apart from my own husband and children, also my maternal uncle's family, I have acquired a sister-in-law of the same faith in my father's family. My mother and siblings are still non-believers. I pray that many more years will be given to them so that they will have more time to choose eternal life over a certainty of hell in Taoism.

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