Tuesday, January 24, 2012

(724) Health is more precious than gold

I have a good friend who is about two years older than me. She has perfect blood pressure, healthy BMI, good blood sugar and cholesterol reading. It seemed that she has perfect health. Unfortunately she had a fall down a few steps while she was mopping the stairs; she ran down a slippery flight of stairs trying vainly to catch a phone call.

For quite a few years she was alright. Lately she has problems with walking long distances. That in itself is not so bad as we are all dependent on cars anyway. The killing part of the problem is that she could not sit in a car for more than ten minutes at a time. Should she do that, she finds that she could not stand up and walk without having her limb buckle under her with no warning.

We are talking about an attractive woman who could pass as a thirty six year old. She wears small size clothing and  are long legged. That image is just not congruent with carrying a walking stick. She went to bone doctor, Chinese physician, chiropractor, nerve specialist, ... you name it, she has tried it. After all, her husband's medical coverage is very generous, given by a fortune 500 company to senior managers and their spouses.

For most of us, it is when we lose our perfect health that we realize how precious it is.

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