Friday, January 6, 2012

(676) Dishes under the bed

I have a church friend from Silver City days whom I met by chance one day. Apparently they bought a condo unit for their children to stay in when studying in the capital city. The older son graduated and found a job in Singapore. The younger son just graduated. They came down to attend graduation. Mrs Lee brought her maid down to spring clean the bachelor pad. All went well until the maid dusted the space under the bed in the second son's room. They found McDonald boxes, Pizza boxes and an assortment of used dishes.

Well! That was news to me! I was concerned about rats and cockroaches feeding on remnants of food kept under the said bed. So far, Mrs Lee said no pest found yet. What about bad odor? I asked. It seemed that there was little food left, even crumbs were eaten. Funny there was no odor whatsoever!

As I came home and talked about it, my children and I had a good laugh. Then I recalled that in my childhood, there was this couple who rented a room in the neighborhood. They were a young couple who brought cooking utensils and dishes and set up housekeeping in the rented room's big kitchen. Neighbors soon realized that the wife would cook but did no dish washing until all her collection of dishes are completely used up. Everyone was curious about where she hid her dishes until one day a child observed she brought lots of dishes from her rented room. This curious child looked into her door way and noted she moved the dishes from under her marital bed. Soon everyone in the neighborhood was buzzing about this eccentric housekeeping style.

Have you come across anyone who lives like this?

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