Saturday, January 7, 2012

(683) Security at home

My friend lives in a 2.8 Million dollar property while my little abode is worth less than 500 thousands. Big difference, right?

Life is such that I often find something to laugh about. After I realized that by opening my door to my family members, any of them could leave house keys in the cars. From that moment on, I will demand to view their keys before I open the door. Often they have their hands full carrying things. This tyrant would wait and would not relent unless I can see that the house keys come in. Otherwise whoever it is would be forced to go back to the car to take out the house keys there and then.

My friend, however, has her own routine. Every night, before she goes to bed; she would go to the key holders and count the different sets of house keys. Unless she gets the right number, the owner of the missing set would be forced to go out to retrieve it. As we can see, the lack of security affects everyone. Whether one lives in a mansion or a humble abode, nobody can afford to carelessly leave house keys in parked cars outside the house to invite burglar or robber into the house!

Ten years ago there was hardly any condominium that is gated and guarded. Now even old neighborhoods are forming committees to block extra entrances or exits to place 24 hour guards on limited access points. When I was in High school, we were studying about the chasm that divided the rich and the poor in India. It looks like while wealth came to my country, the poor are getting steadily poorer. Some who have nothing to lose simply turn to crime.

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