Saturday, January 14, 2012

(698) Chickens' friend / Cat tale 13

When we were living in Silver City, we used to have chickens in the garden.

There was an orange cat that would sashay into the midst of the many chickens and feed on what I threw out. The amazing part is that the cat would leave the chickens alone, and the chooks would behave exactly as if they did not see the cat.

Chickens are very fond of water melon rinds on a hot day. They would peck at my half water melon with the flesh all scooped out until all we see is a paper thin green skin. They would happily peck at their dessert while the orange cat would make short works of my fish head, bones, tail and skin. Now, I don't think the cat was a stray. It looked eminently respectable and walked like she owned my  garden. Her fur was well groomed and she looked well fed. Well, don't ask me why she would condescend to come to my place and eat with my chickens!

Just maybe cats may be social animals. It was probably more fun to have eating companions than to eat alone in her mistress' home.

-  God woos us with his everlasting kindness. -

cat 069.jpg from

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