Sunday, January 22, 2012

(58) Depression 4


Can we find a single person who has never experienced rejection?

Under certain circumstances, expert believes that severe rejection may lower one's IQ. There are of course many factors. Parents, circumstances,  siblings, one's in born temperaments, teachers, friends, past experiences ... IQ matters, but emotional quotient matters more. Qualities such as perseverance, ability to focus would count too.

I think of a mother who doted on her only daughter. The latter was either born timid or it could be the growing up under a demanding father that contributes to timidity. There is a neighbor of  this family who adopted a girl. The adoptive mother is single. There is a grandma (mother of the adoptive mum). This adopted girl is a courageous person who is active, able to accept defeat and bounces right back. I suppose we are not supposed to compare children. No two children can be alike. While I sympathize with my friend the first mother, I can't help but note that God did not make any mistake in giving the second girl special qualities. After all, she really needs it to survive under adverse circumstances.

Some people are more resilient than others. Some may be a little more fragile than others. The same thing may happen to two people, one will find a way to overcome while another may be devastated. Some people received hard knocks, and they seemed to be able to stand up again and function right on. Others may get knocked off course for a long while. But one has to go on living, so one finds ways to survive. A few may take the easy way out. But then that too is a solution, though not a commonly accepted one.

* flower.jpg from

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