Tuesday, January 17, 2012

(709) Skipping Christmas by John Grisham

It is a hilarious story alright. If I had not spent a few Christmases in the States, I would probably be wondering about what the big deal is. But I have seen the hustle and bustle in the mall. I have seen the floor full of beautiful but torn gift wraps on Christmas mornings. It sure was a mad house and a time when everyone seemed to burn money and draw from rather deep pockets.

Luther and Nora Krank decided to skip Christmas celebrations and opted for a ten-day Carribean cruise. They had to give up their wonderful plans when their daughter popped up and called from Miami that she was bringing her fiancee home for Christmas. Luther borrowed a tree from a neighbor. He ended up almost being booked for burglary. He sneaked out to place Frosty, a huge plastic snow man, on his roof but ended up tied by his feet dangling from the roof. The firemen and ambulance were called. He first antagonized his neighbors by  refusing to put up Frosty. Next he entertained them by almost getting fatally wounded.

Nora run around to get her impromptu party ready like a chicken with its head chopped off. Finally all that is well ended well. The entire street rallied by turning up to welcome their own Peace Corps to Peru. On top of that, Police, Firemen and Ambulance personnel came in full force. They have their beloved daughter back for Christmas. She brought back a Doctor fiancee who is handsome and charming.

What I like most was the fact that Luther and Nora gave their cruise package to their neighbor who may be having their last Christmas together. Bev Scheel had cancer for the third time. Walt badly needed time off from fighting the big C with his wife. In fact this is the spirit of Christmas, the giving with no string attached. It is in loving others and giving what we can to help. It does not have to be costly presents.

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