Saturday, February 4, 2012

(750) An honest medical doctor

Throughout his life, my deceased father had had problem with his feet. He went to many doctors who prescribed all types of creams for his inflamed skin. Very often, the skin would behave for a little while until the cream finished or when my dad gave in and ate peanuts.

In his seventies, he visited an old Indian doctor, a general practitioner. The latter is a well-to-do man who actually did not need to work anymore. He had all the time in the world to listen to my dad's long medical problems. After my dad finished, he sat there and pondered for quite a while. Then he told my dad to try soaking his feet in rock salt (the less refined type) and hot water(as hot as the feet can stand) until the foot bath cooled. The idea is that each time my dad puts on shoes and socks to go out, he should come back for a shower and then do a foot bath.

My dad was a very disciplined man. He followed the doc's instruction perfectly. For as long as he did his foot bath, I did not see any tubes of cream on his bedside table. Not only was the doctor a very experienced and knowledgeable person, he was honest too. That is kind of rare where I come from, unfortunately!

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