Sunday, April 22, 2012

(907) Blogging

When I was a teenager, I used to write articles in my mother tongue to earn a few dollars. While in college I took a few writing courses in English. Despite the fact that my professor said I had talent, it was extremely tedious for me to polish each paper for submission.

Years later, God told me to write. I was stumped for a long time. What to write? Then what to do with the writing? I realise I do not want to lose my privacy as an unknown individual. One day my teenager showed me her friend's blog. Suddenly I saw in a flash that I could blog anonymously, yet those pieces of blog is open and freely available in the cyberspace. If I change all names of places, chances are that no one could identify the author nor the characters.

So I set about to record things that strike me as worth keeping. Hard as it is, I believe few people would admit to having learning disabilities as children. Could be they have forgotten! Could be they like to forget all about the painful struggle! If by playing the role of scribe, I have helped you in any way. I praise God! If you have any questions, you can leave comments in my blog. If I can answer, I will. If I can't, there may be individual experts or organisations I can refer you to. But I honestly believe God has all the answers for us. If you really seek, you  shall find. I have had no special training what so ever. Yet God has led me to help my children as well as a few others to overcome their handicaps.

* 398px-PillarCoral from

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