Friday, April 20, 2012

(889) Force field of self control

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keep himself under control.

Bernard was sharing about how he taught his children on anger management. When we are talking to children, we have to explain things at their level. As the father of three boys close in ages, Bernard often need to act as their peace maker. He finds that when the boy under attack has a good grasp of self control, nothing the other two did or said could cause the victim to lash out in revenge.

Since the younger generation loves gaming and has their set of vocabulary, why don’t we make use of that? In this case he explained about how each person’s self-control and peace of mind are like a force field. If the force field is strong, then comments and criticism could not enter and do harm. The reverse is true when the force field is weak, the smallest attack could get through and hurt.

When one child gets irritated with small incidents, he would point out that he has to adjust and strengthen his force field. It works as the idea is communicated across well and his children respond by adjusting internal condition rather than lash out because of external provocation.

* flower-clipart-3.jpg from

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