Saturday, April 7, 2012

(873) Second Chance?

Phoebe was interviewed by a radio program announcer when she was fifteen. A few weeks later she was reinvited to take part in a youth panel discussion. Much later she was given a chance to read her short story over the short wave. These two activities were held in the government broadcasting department.

She was told that she possessed potential in broadcasting. If she chooses to be trained in enunciation in her mother tongue, at the end of her course she would be offered an internship which will lead to her eventual taking over of a school program.

Her father was concerned that she would have to travel by bus alone to night classes in a not very safe part of town. He advised her to wait until she was older and able to find friends who would accompany her.

Years later, she actually met two of her former school mates who went to that speech coaching class. Out of which one works part time in radio drama series. Who knows, one day when it is in step with God's timing, Phoebe may get a second chance at broadcasting.

* FoodControlService.gif from

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