Tuesday, April 3, 2012

(864) A difficult man

There is a man who had fought with just about everyone he came across in my housing area. He is a single father with two daughters. We heard rumours that his wife run off when the younger daughter was just two. After that, his mother came to look after the children. A few years after, the old lady passed on. An unmarried aunt turned up to help. She did not last long. In turn, an unmarried sister came. This one stayed long enough to bring up the younger girl. By the time the "baby" was about thirteen, the caring sister left.

This lonely man either did not or could not find a second wife. He loaned money to a neighbour. When that neighbour absconded, he harassed the wife and the two sons. After witnessing him yelling at a closed door for more than an hour, everyone who walked past had a fair idea what kind of man he was.

Apparently, he accused a boy of scratching his car. Nobody knows if it was fact or suspicion. But he went too far by almost knocking down the boy with his car. Since there were a bunch of neighbourhood boys playing football, there were witnesses. And a police report was made. Even with that kind of track record, he went on to tell all the different boys' parents a list of  things against the poor boy. He was hoping to alienate and isolate this boy he disliked that much. But the fact of the matter is, not many people would believe him, he had too much of a  reputation as a "trouble maker".

That day I drove past, I had to roll down the window before I realized this man was giving others a hard time for parking on his grass verge. I shook my head, after all, it was during office hours. The land outside of one's house actually is public area. As long as a visitor parks in such a way as not to  block traffic or block his gate, he has no right to complain about others using the lot temporarily. Still, hard luck for anyone who is within shouting distance of this man.

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