Wednesday, December 19, 2018

(1059) Dreams for studying abroad

My good friend Catherine has two children. Her elder son was entertaining the far-off idea of obtaining a full scholarship to pursue environmental psychology in Canada. That was an idea that lasted at least two years, I perceived. Now, overnight, the idea went into smoke out of the window! Well, one could see that Canada took a Hua Wei  executive into custody. Would Canada be a safe place for an ordinary guy from a South East Asian country who happened to be a Chinese by heritage, even if he hardly speak a word of Mandarin?

Now the second boy wanted to go to America for a basic degree. Little wonder the mum was tearing her hair out. For this boy is a person of strong opinion, he did not hesitate to beat up a would be burglar to protect his neighbour before calling the police. Off hand I recall my brother-in-law had to drive all night to get to Wisconsin to bail his best friend's son out for picking a fight with some Italian mafia  type. Talk about racial discrimination, perhaps I did not get beaten for being a member of the so called 'yellow' race. There had been plenty of instances of being discriminated against during the time I was there in many towns and cities across many states. I still think USA is a wonderful place in spite of  that. Lately the video that went viral of the blond woman beating up a person she called Chink in a New York subway showed how low the country has descended to since Trump  took office. I personally would not choose to spend a few thousands to fly to USA for vacation now, much as I am fond of that land.

Heaven help the doting mum if Junior went to America and resists the police, immigration, CIA, FBI, ICE, Homeland Security... he would be sent home in a box, his mortal remains full of bullet holes.

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