Tuesday, June 28, 2011

(485) Computer Search

One day before Elizabeth started on her temporary job, she asked me if there is any one I wanted to locate. So I named  one person who seemed to have her act together in my senior year. We'll call her Jane here.

Lo and behold, my daughter actually found Jane as part of the faculty in one of the nearby colleges not too far from my alma mater. She worked for the Government for a time until she qualified to lecture. No, I did not contact her. It is not that I don't like her. Just that I know very little about Jane. She was smart, attractive, had a boyfriend studying far away and just seemed to be so cool. She was a far better student that I was. Whenever I got stressed, she welcomed me to sit in her room to listen to classical music which would sooth my trouble soul. We seldom talk, as she was a reflective person and when I was troubled, I seldom talk.

This led me to wonder, if any of my old friends wanted to locate me; would they be able to find me on line? No! My son said. And he ought to know, as he is the most IT savvy person in my family. The reason is I have ceased to use the given name my parents gave me. I chose a new name, something no one expected me to choose. Also I adopted my husband's family name, even though most Chinese women do not in this part of the world (especially Chinese educated ones, and I was instructed in classical literature right up to 18 years old).

An old friend asked me why? She noticed I have effectively cut away my past. I am no longer the person I used to be. I have given up a lot of things I held dear to my heart, more than just a successful career, when I chose marriage and children. For I know that bringing up my children would exclude a vocation and personal ambition. And I also know that by the time all my children are grown and gone, I would be quite an authority in the field of bringing out the best of special children. Hence forth, I owe it to the many people who have suffered a frustrated childhood (due to one reason or another, as there is little awareness about learning disability in many parts of the world) to make my findings available if they are searching for it. I don't know exactly who reads my blog. Just like you don't know much about me(not my real name and particulars). But if you have read all three hundred over postings of mine, you should know me very well.

But whoever you are, if week in and week out you come in to catch up on my tale, I appreciate your tenacity. If you care enough to follow me real time, I must be writing something that is important and close to your heart. I thank you for your confidence in me. All I have is a liberal arts degree and many years of experience in bringing up my unique children.

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