Wednesday, June 1, 2011

(440) Female to male ratio

It is a statistical fact that female out numbers male in most societies. The only exceptions to the case would be some parts of China and India. That would probably be due to female genocide made possible by pre-natal ultrasound scans.

The inevitable result of such a ratio would be unmarried females not because they did not want marriage. I have a classmate who would consider match-making. She told me and another town crier. I move around in Christian circles. Since I have not worked outside the house for many years, thought as I might, I can't think of a single bachelor I know well enough to introduce to her who is not a believer. This dear classmate of mine is a Buddhist. Much as I wanted to, I can not be of help.

There is a widow who is my neighbour. I met her the other day. She had on a black little number, I almost could not recognise her. The outfit took twenty years away. She normally looks about fifty in her serious working clothes. That evening she looked young and glamourous. I certainly hope that her internet dating would bear fruits.

Further down the row of houses are two single mothers. Their children are grown and out working. The mothers are relatively young and attractive. As far as I know, their respective ex-husbands are happily  hitched with second wives. Perhaps the bringing up of a brood of kids present a barrier to dating that would lead to marriage for these women. They are still looking around.

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