Friday, October 29, 2010

(211) Build on Strength/ Upbringing 24

How do we know what a child is good in? Is this the strength that we should concentrate time and money in developing? It starts with really getting to know the child. One must be willing to spend time with the child, time playing, time working, time going to places, time staying at home, time making messes, time cleaning up, time disagreeing, time having fun together .... If one really spends lots of time with a child, both quality and otherwise, he or she will be able to observe the child and have insights.


From young, Keziah picked up jingoes from the television, radio and even from the ice-cream van easily. At age three, she first heard a piano being played in her nursery school. She didn't know that it was called a piano then. We next heard it while walking past a music school. She stopped and told me in no uncertain terms she wanted the black thing that 'sings'. Subsequently, she repeated her request whenever we passed the same music school.

 Now, many years later, I can see why she was attracted to a piano. God has given her a good ear for rhythm and beat. She picks up new melodies quite effortlessly. All these years, she refused to sit for exams. Her creative teacher managed to teach her pieces of music and songs without Keziah learning to read music notes. While she may never make music her career, she derives tremendous pleasure from playing contemporary songs.

Whenever other parents heard her play, they often asked who her teacher was. While the teacher was patient, dedicated and enjoyed the challenges of teaching Keziah, the former has yet to come across another student who could play as well as Keziah in her twelve years of teaching piano. No, Keziah is not a music prodigy. She may never win any music competition. She is just reasonably good at playing catchy tunes and bringing a song to life. But that was sufficient to boost her self confidence and to build a healthy self image.

After her high school, she became close to a youth group with a band. She is now learning to accompany singers at the key board. Whenever others take over the keyboard, she likes to be one of the back up singers. In this instance, her musical training enables her to participate in group activities and be one of the gang.

At this point, you may be wondering why I have included this piece in this blog! From most perspectives, most people view Keziah as an outstanding young lady. I have started work on her since she was two and a half years old. I remember when she came home in tears because a teacher reprimanded her for tearing pages out of her exercise book. Why did she do that? Because she made big mistakes not leaving lines as instructed or maybe not adhering to the proper margin.

I was there sitting with her through her anguish when her gang boycotted her after a physical fight. She had to analyse through why she was that angry... because her so called friend taunted and laughed at her over some idiosyncrasy she could not help ... Out of a few paths, she chose to apologise to the offended party. Thereafter she distanced herself from any girls who pick on her, but rather befriend those who see good traits in her. She begun at that point moving from group to group during break, before or after school. That was a conscious choice to click with no group and yet have a wide base of friends. That works for her, as it allows her to be herself. She would not be pressured to conform to any one group.

She was dyslexic, perhaps mildly so. She still could not associate a certain date with what week day it is, or whether it was in the past, in the present week or it is sometime in the future.  She needs to see the calendar, locate today, then only she could fix that date in her head. Since young I have drilled into her that God had made her different, not better and not worse, but all the same different for His purposes and Glory. And so she does not hide her handicaps, she has accepted herself just as God made her. She is comfortable with the way she is. If I had missed out on anything else, I know I have accomplished in her what God had intended me to do. It was not easy, but it was worthwhile. It is not because of me, but because God had enabled me through the years. If you need help in the same way, then turn to God and let him enable you. 

* coral polyp 1 from

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