Wednesday, October 13, 2010

(158) Favoritism/ Upbringing 18

It is often difficult for parents to love each child equally, especially if  there are many children and each of them being extremely different from each other. Let me tell you the story of Mandy.

Mandy has two sisters and three brothers. Her mum owns an accounting firm. Her dad is successful in the field of advertising. Being the eldest, she is expected to be responsible for her younger siblings. Since she is tall and big boned like her dad, I doubt she would look cute to anyone, least of all to her mum. Yet if one takes the time to observe, there are sterling qualities in this girl. She is quiet and dependable. She is by nature a loyal little soul. She may not be quick witted like the rest of her brothers, her persistence usually gets her to the desired destination in the end. She is thrifty and undemanding. She is a good listener and has good will towards everyone around her. I actually like her the most out of the entire brood.

However, when I visited the family many years ago, she was withdrawn, discouraged and pessimistic. Her father was quietly fond of her but he would not defend her. Mum was quite unfair as she preferred sons over daughters. Among the daughters mum favoured the prettiest one who is the youngest. Before I left I made arrangement for Mandy to visit me the next vacation.

My children took to Mandy at once. It is difficult not to like her. We went to movies, ice-skating, visit libraries and we shopped for books. As she grew to trust me, she told me some of her woes. Since the age of five or six, her mum expected her to care for the younger ones. Sad to say, even when the youngest reached six years old, she was still being treated like a princess. After Mandy's parents brought in part-time maids, her siblings still ordered her around like she was a slave.  She blossomed with the attention I gave her and became quite chatty. Her worries, her grievance and whatever negative in her burdened little heart came out. One by one I dealt with issues that was practically eating her up. On the point of her mum not loving her, I had to go back into her mum's childhood. Grandma relied on mum but preferred pretty aunt number three. Why dad never defended her? Because mum is a headstrong woman. Interference would cause big fights. Why mum hoarded money and cheated dad? Oh, poor mum grew up in extreme poverty and is reacting like a squirrel who store up nuts for the family...

At the end of the holidays she went home with a different outlook in life. As long as her parents educate, feed, clothe and provide for her, they are doing their duties. If it is expected that she work extra around the house, she is receiving good training for the future. A little work never kill anyone. Hard luck for her pampered siblings, they will have to learn whatever they need to learn as grown ups. Should her chores take too much time until she could not complete her home work, she should gently explain to her mum in front of her dad. At any time, never spy on mum and report to dad, a divorce would only be detrimental to her and her siblings. Keeping in mind what her mum did was wrong, when she grows up and gets married, make sure she models after a woman with integrity.

Ten years passed, Mandy finished her education, found a good job and has a nice young man courting her. I am not surprised and am actually very pleased. That was what I expected all along.

 * flowers.jpg from

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