Tuesday, August 21, 2012

(32) The Happiest People on Earth by J.&E.Sherrill

I first read about the Armenians as a people group in Agatha Christie's stories. In this personal story of Demos Shakarian written by John and Elizabeth Sherrill, I read about the tragic history of the first Christian nation on earth.

This is my second reading, after borrowing one copy at least fifteen years ago from a church library. Once again, I am struck by how God led him and how obedient he was, both he and his wife. It is easy to serve God in our spare time. But to take off months at a time, incurring in expenses that no one would reimburse, moving the children to another town, running oneself ragged? How many men would be fool enough to do it? After all, he is just a businessman brought up in the dairy industry. He is not a Pastor, nor is he a missionary.

He was honored by God to start the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship with a few men. I have read a similar story of how YWAM (Youth With a Mission) was started too by one man's vision that was given by God.

According to Shakarian, if any of us find out the precise purpose God created us for in this world, and we make use of every gift he endowed us to carry the mission(s) out, then we would be the happiest people on earth.

For Shakarian, he was to help found the FBGMF to lead business men and women to fellowship together, sharing their testimonies of how God help them and what the Creator of our universe is meant to them.

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