Sunday, August 26, 2012

(35) A Thing of Beauty

When Zelda decided to leave this country to meet her internet heart-throb, she gave me a costly marble table. When her brothers heard about it, they presumed that it was given to me because Zelda owed me money. Later, it was known that she chose to give it to me because I appreciate the beauty of the natural markings in the marble. They were indignant that Zelda did not sell it for money.

It is a rather big table, easily seating ten people. I am putting it in my small living room, waiting for the day that I will move to the rural area to a bigger house. Right now I am typing on this lovely cool marble table, enjoying Zelda's gift.

Most of the furniture in my house were chosen for their functions. It is easier to live with cheaper furniture as we have moved around a number of times in Silver City. The only item of beauty is the marble table. It some how satisfies some tiny corner of my soul to look at this thing of beauty.

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