Sunday, August 26, 2012

(36) Rich in time or cash?

I spent the past three days helping a friend manning a mission organization booth in a Chinese Christian book exhibition. On the first two weekdays, moderate number of visitors came. On Saturday, more turned up. Interestingly, I noticed more folks actually bought books on Saturday. Sad to say, hardly any one stopped to look at our books, brochures and talk to us on the third day.

Retired folks have more time to spend walking around a book exhibition. Homemakers and students too. But their purchasing power cannot rival that of people working at full-time employment. Isn't that a sad thing? When a person is rich in leisure time, there is often less disposable cash. Then people earning good money often have little time and opportunity to spend their earnings. That is why multi-level marketing's selling point of building up a marketing empire sounds attractive to both groups.

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