Friday, August 3, 2012

(10) God Spoke Tibetan by Allan Maberty

God Spoke Tibetan is a fascinating Account of the incredible hardships and difficulties which had to be surmounted in an effort to bring the Word of God to the people of Tibet in their language. Essentially, this is the story of how consecrated men, inspired by the Spirit of God, willingly risk their lives to bring the Word of God to millions of people who had lived so long in spiritual isolation.

I just quoted what was printed on the back cover of the book published by New Life Literature(Post Box No 8415, Bangalore - 560 084 India). It seems that this story was published by Evangel Bible Translators and  Harvest House Publishers in earlier years.

It took many men dedicating their entire lives, some foreigners and some Tibetans, to translate the bible to Tibetan. The manuscript traveled from a valley near Tibet to India by mule and from India to London by ship. The precious manuscript was kept in an underground vault in a cathedral which was hit almost directly but thank God the bomb did not detonate. Then after the war it traveled back from London to India. It took many attempts of quite a few men before it was ready for printing. One courier died in the avalanche in the mountains while carrying a copy of the manuscript. Finally it was printed at the time God determined.

One communist military boss actually bought Chinese and Tibetan bibles and conduct courses for his soldiers to force them to learn Tibetan.

Some months ago I met a family who worked as professionals in a forbidden area near Tibet. No wonder they faced tremendous obstacles just living there, it is a spiritually dark area. The enemy is entrenched and strong. Just like the translation of the bible, each convert in that region would have to be fought for. Merely living in the region as Christians would be difficult as every day would be fought as in a full scale war with unseen enemy. But victory has been won, the soldiers of Christ merely have to persevere and fight on.

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