Sunday, August 5, 2012

(14) Prophetic Dreams?

Many years ago, George (a youth leader in my church) related a dream to me.

In his vivid dream, he was on a ship waving good-bye to my daughter, Elizabeth, who was on shore sending him off. He shouted and thanked Elizabeth for arranging all his itinerary and helping him to keep his myriad appointments in the port.

I was very curious, the first opportunity I could insert in a question, I asked him if he was in a temperate, tropical or very cold place. He took a while to look into his inner images and answer it was not cold, but there were greenery. He did not know what country it was.

A month or two later I in turn had a vivid dream. In the dream, I knew it was related to George's dream. I saw a rather old building, probably British colonial in origin, and I was in a very spacious room which I knew to be Elizabeth's living quarters. Kenneth asked if there was  a single bed or a marital bed. No, I saw only the many tall and narrow windows in the semi circular wall, there was lilac translucent curtains flapping in the warm breeze. Purple is Elizabeth's favorite color. There were comfortable chairs arranged in a cluster next to the windows. Then there is a long and tall book shelves filled to overflowing dividing the rest of the room from the reading nook. Near one end of the book shelve, we have an ornate staircase leading both up and down from the room.  

When Elizabeth was waiting for her high school result, she initiated an application to Logos II or OM (Operation Mobilization). We managed to fit in three months of service. It would be a costly trip as all candidates would have to raise their own funding and pay OM room and board to serve. Of course I know that if it is God's perfect will for her to go, funding would not be the obstacle. While she was getting the church's recommendations, objections ruled. All sorts of reasons were given from different levels of the leadership. The most logical came from our Junior Pastor, she said that Elizabeth could apply after her first degree. After all, it is important that we grab the Government University posting as we are a family of slim means. To let her go like that, what if she was detained due to whatever reason, she would not be here to submit the uni applications. Since Elizabeth has not set her heart on going, she decided to submit to the church leadership and give up the application.

Zelda (who recently follow God's leading and relocated to USA) and Violet (the founder of Amazing Book Room in A Dream and A Dream 2) both felt that I should have urged her to follow the application to the end, it would have been OK if we could not raise sufficient funds. They are of the opinion that God would have provided money somehow for Elizabeth to take up the US partial scholarship offer even if she has missed the local university placement.

All this is water under the bridge. What matters to me is that Elizabeth is extremely happy with her English studies in the nearest local uni to where we live. Should she desire to apply to OM upon graduation, I would definitely support her all the way. I wonder if the two dreams are from God, and if one day when I release her to serve God in the Ship ministry would she be assigned to a room that is exactly like what was revealed to me in my dream?

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