Monday, August 6, 2012

(15) Crooked Stick by martin chow

First I want to state that I admire Chow for self publishing when he has something to say to the Christian community who has been supporting his ministry of helping the poor and marginalized in China.

Since he self published, his books would not be sold in any book shops anywhere. His contact email is For my readers residing in peninsular Malaysia who go to churches that support Chow and his family, they will make his books available when he speaks there.

Both Martin and Diane Chow are highly qualified with two degrees each from universities in Malaysia and UK. They gave up highly lucrative jobs to bring a seven year old daughter to Yunan to make a difference to the minorities there.

I found it interesting to note how small acts of kindness can lead to open doors for the gospel. During WW2, a nameless American pilot was very kind to a Chinese boy, he gave candies and taught the boy to say 'ok' with his fingers. The boy grew up deciding that he would return such acts of kindness to other Americans. Many years later, his daughter became a student of Ethel Wallis in a college in South-western China. The former led the latter to the man who vowed to help Americans. You see, this man's childhood friend became the Governor of Guizhou. With the special introduction, a community work project started in Guizhou.

While it is not a highly polished book, there is much substance and a straight forward sincerity in the telling things as they are with no frills. Hopefully the author would see the need to rewrite and improve it, as well as have a few friends who are well versed in publishing to suggest slight changes that would improve the book at least in terms of lay out and appearance.


  1. It is interesting to know someone commented about my book. And I thank you for your kind suggestion. This book was done in a hurry since I was back for furlough for a while. It was later followed by another book, Straight Line. Why, Straight Line ... well God can use a crooked stick to draw straight line. I started to read your blog. Your stories are refreshing and each insight is quite poignant. I believe each of us has a story to tell. And each story has a good teaching point. The teaching point is missed when we dismiss the significance of an event. We only ask God to teach us to learn from each small event. Every time we pick up a book on missions, most probably it would be written by Western missionaries. It is as if Asian missionaries have nothing to share. I believe each of us touched by God has something to share about God’s goodness and His providence. May more Asian writers rise up to take the challenge. Our posterity wants to hear from us … like we would like to hear from our forefathers telling their adventures … more so if it is the adventure with God. Friends, pass on the stories of His faithfulness. - martin chow

  2. About getting your hand on the book, you visit the site at below

    or you write to me at and I can email you the pdf books for free.
