Tuesday, August 21, 2012

(33) Hit and run?

Lately we have heard that there have been cases that folks' car have been hit from the back, once the driver gets down he is robbed and sometimes the car was taken.

My neighbor left town at 5:30 am recently. He stopped at a traffic light. Moments later his car was hit by a black car. He was stunned momentarily. There was a car next to his even at this early hour. The driver from this car got out first; he was a big and strong man. That very second, the culprit backed and sped away. My neighbor walked over to the big and helpful man, who being an observant onlooker, took down the number plate of the culprit.

For readers in my home state, the registration number of the black car is WKP 2565. Of course it could have been a stolen car. But according to my neighbor's wife who was in the car, all five people were straining to look at the car, none of them could even see a shadow of the driver, the windows were heavily tinted.

Whether it was hit and run, or the errant driver had the intention to rob, we really do not know. But my neighbors were thankful that the car only sustained scratches and that the good Samaritan cared enough to get down in that situation.

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