Tuesday, August 28, 2012

(38) The West and the East

I read Rana Foroohar's The Curious Capitalist in the July 30-August 6, 2012 issue of Time. She gave reasons why Marissa Mayer is a smart pick to helm Yahoo. In the same issue, I found on page 72 an article on the first female Afghanistan boxer participating in the London Olympics, Sadaf Rahimi.

Both of them are trail blazers in their own right. Mayer is the youngest at 37, out of 20 female Fortune 500 CEO; she is also the only one to become CEO while pregnant. Rahimi is 18, the third female Afghan athlete ever sent to the Games. Mayer will probably work through the few weeks of her maternity leave. Rahimi was given the advice by her former mentor, Shahla Sekandari, not to get married. Afghan traditions dictates that once a woman gets married, she belongs to her new family. If they don't want her to box, she does not have a choice.

Anywhere in the world, women normally have to work extra hard to break into men's domain. I guess those who have great passion would pay the price to overcome whatever obstacles involved to reach their goals.

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