Sunday, August 5, 2012

(12) The cost of writing

It was a small lapse. We were in a fellowship meeting. One of the members' child started to act up as it was well past bed time. Mandy asked her to go as the former could hitch a ride home with my husband and I. At that very moment I had switched my mind to what I would blog about that night. When the group finally disbanded,  I merely walked behind my husband and went home using 10% of my attention to put on the seat belt and got home. If my husband did  not realize Mandy did not come with us half an hour after we reached home, until today I probably would not have thought about it. We of course called the next day and apologized.

Mandy said it was a minor thing and she has forgotten things like that before. Mind you, I did not forget about her request; I did not register it in the first place. It was not because I was selfish, neither was it because I did not like her. From the past I realized that when I choose to write, I would likely go into trance like state thinking my own thoughts and letting my emotions full reign. Normally I am a most logical person. Yet when I need to write I must switch on my emotions, else the writings would be flat. My mother used to say that I was heartless. Things she said during my thinking-writing spells probably never penetrate through the air around my ears.

Sometimes I am afraid of the call to write. Even in producing a few blogs a day, I could become absent minded. What would happen when I need to write eight hours a day?

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