Friday, August 3, 2012

(9) Zelda's Rest

Cont from (749), (361), (383), (401), (487), (520) and (994)

I just came back from talking to Zelda in her sister's house.

She arrived safely in New Jersey. Her intended was waiting for her out in the arrival hall. They went straight to her hostess' house. Believe it or not, she had a long chat with her elderly hostess for five hours on the first day! It seemed that they are both sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ. They serve the same Lord and have the same objectives in life. Our hostess considers her big house in a nice area of town a mission house. The house is open to pastors, full time workers and missionaries year round. The hostess believed that Zelda is the answer they have been praying for the man Zelda went to meet. On the spot she reassured Zelda that she could stay for the next six months.

What I really am happy to hear is that the real person matched the image Zelda built in the internet communication. Sure they will have a lot of cultural differences to overcome. But two people willing to work together in a loving spirit of give and take can overcome a lot of obstacles.

So it looks like Zelda and her beloved would spend the next six months getting to know each other in a church community. Then she would have to cross the border to leave the country and then to enter USA again for another period so that she could get married. This reminds me of a Chinese folk tale that the old man in the moon would tie red threads (invisible to mankind) to infant girls to infant boys. When the time comes for the guy to meet his gal, they would some how meet and fall in love. That really seemed to be the case here, except that the old man is God in heaven. The "instigator" is Zelda's very good friend who insisted that she sign up in Christian Cafe and the friend actually paid for a three month subscription initially. And I as a supportive friend, sat through her correspondence with at least thirty possibles within more than one calendar year. For this trip, we have been praying and waiting for God's guidance and providence for at least four months. Finally, the venture matured and we will see the end result we prayed for, both in this country and by a different set of people on the other side of the Pacific, within the next seven months. We praise God that He has wonderful plans for each of us if we look to Him, walk in His ways and wait upon Him for His plans to unfold, no matter how improbable those plans may seem to be.

Zelda is in a foreign country, she is unable to work, she will have to trust God that He will take care of her through her intended. Through this coming six months, the Lord will restore her many years eaten by the locusts. After a few failed relationships, two divorces prior to her conversion, one child raised as a single  mother, she has been waiting for the man God promised to bring her for fourteen years. It looks like that waiting is over, the sweet interval of biblical courtship has started. The prophesy given by a man of God from Singapore three years ago will probably come to past: she will be wed in February!

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