Tuesday, March 27, 2012

(846) Stories I told my Nephew 3

I told my nephew real courtship stories of three couples.

Sean has been pursued by his present wife since he was in Form 4. She somehow at age 14 could see something in him she liked. With the help of her sister and brother-in-law, she spent every Sunday with Sean even though her mother forbid her to see Sean. Seven or eight years later, they were married. Sean is a graduate holding a job that entailed lots of overtime. Yet he was also the one who does every bit of house work and he wakes up at night to do night feed.

John went out with a group of young people. He originally has his eye on a quiet and rather shy girl. But another bolder specimen chased him and managed to corner him into taking her out at every possible opportunity. A few months later, the girl's side pressured him into marrying her. John has school going children. While his wife sleeps until ten am, John wakes up at five to prepare breakfast for his children, he took them to school before he goes to work. Apart from ironing her own clothes, John's wife does not deign to wet her little finger. Since he preferred not to have a maid, he does every chore in his house.

Ian is an old fashion gentleman, he took over his best friend's girl friend when she dumped the latter for him.  The abandoned man was consoled by another girl waiting in the wing. This rather enterprising girl dumped a high school graduate for a college educated engineer. Today she lives in a big house. Funnily enough, she could bake two loaves of bread a week but her own immediate family eats store bought loaves.

My nephew asked me if all three girls are youngest in the family. The 1st and 2nd are but the 3rd is a middle child. He asked if all are city girls who grew up in the capital. The 1st and 2nd are but the 3rd grew up in the countryside.

Interestingly enough, all three wives do not cook. To this, my nephew responded that if a woman does not do house chores, then at least she should cook. "Then, what do they do in their free time?"he asked. Well! Shopping...watching soap opera on TV...playing mahjong...following the poor husband everywhere they go... There is no accounting for taste, it just seemed like when a woman is capable of taking the initiative to pursue a man she chooses, she is also bossy and manipulative enough to make sure the husband toes her lines at home.  

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