Saturday, March 17, 2012

(835) Murder in the Vicarage by Agatha Christie

"I remember a saying of my Great Aunt Fanny's. I was sixteen at the time and thought it particularly foolish." ... "She used to say,'The young people think the old people are fools -- but the old people know the young people are fools!' "  (Miss Marple said this in her old age)

Just like Miss Marple, I grew up with a wise old grandma who knew a proverb for every occasion. Nowadays I find myself trying to remember them, usually my mother had them word perfect. It is funny that a peasant could have a storehouse of folk saying that is not recorded in the written language. I spent six years learning proverbs in school and another six reading newspaper and magazines. Yet somehow I don't remember coming across some of my grandma's sayings.

Now that there is a fair amount of grey hair on my head, I realized my grand ma was wise. I am in turn considered old and obsolete by the teenagers of today. And so history repeats itself!

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