Monday, June 10, 2019

(1126) The Brethren by John Grisham

It is an interesting read on what three former justices could get up to when put behind bars. When they were pardoned and let loose, each of them spent their time doing different things.

I think of a retired couple who ended up transporting and feeding their troop of grand children with the help of maids in three houses situated within walking distance of each other. Once the pastor actually admonish them, with good intention, not to do too much for their beloved sons. Then seven years down the line, the good pastor himself made his own house the stomping ground for his son's three children under the age of five.

Most retirees who accumulated a certain amount of money while working end up taking three overseas trip every year for as long as they fancy travelling.

Yet the real athletic ones took sports full time when they retire. Then there are those who garden full time...

What will you do when you have the time, money and leisure?

If you have no hobby, no fun plans, you may belong to the group who up and die within a year. That's hard to believe, but the statistics bore witness to those lonely souls who could not find any cause to live for.

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