Monday, June 10, 2019

(1121) False Impression by Jeffrey Archer

Years after I blogged about Archer's books, I still am amazed by the thousands of searches targeting a few of those blogs.

Today, I found another Archer book but I am hard pressed to think of something to say after reading it. Perhaps this book is about famous pictures and a blue blood family. To be perfectly honest, the only time I wished to own or look at a picture daily, I was standing in one of the D.C. museums. It was a rather large picture, a forest and meadow scene. I actually bought a post card reproduction of it and brought it back to my home country. Each time I was in DC, I went back to admire it. The last time I saw it, I was pregnant with my number two. Little wonder she has really expensive tastes today, more than any of my other children.

As to blue bloods, the closest I came to it was when I befriended an ordinary-looking foreign student in my college. After graduation, I visited her in her home country; I was shocked to find that  she came from the second richest family in that tiny nation. The following visit I made to that country I went to shop for my wedding finery. I found Sheridan sheets on sale and I bought the entire set of Chippendale, I think. During the third visit, she came to my hotel and related a most preposterous incident. We laughed and laughed about it.

Her mum gave her brother a sound shelling for not courting me while he had the opportunity in the States. The old lady would have preferred a foreign-educated person like me who was well brought up and know my place in life, after all I was educated in Chinese in the earlier years. My poor scholarly father drilled lots of archaic principles into me, his only literary heir in the Chinese language. According to my friend, her brother took all that angry words in silence. He realized that his chosen wife paled in terms of these traits which are unseen.

I honestly think her brother found me boring. He was one of those Asian students who tries to bed the blonds. I quite like him and actually attended a few mixers and perhaps a dance weekend double dating: his sister and a white friend, he and I. You see, life overseas is far from that of the home countries, the kind of qualities you look for in a girl friend and a wife are miles apart. At that point of time, I was all fired up to get my Ph.D. in artificial intelligence some day, although that term has not even been coined yet. I was not seeking to snare a husband yet, although he was rather eligible. Nevertheless, it was very flattering to have his mother having such high opinions of ordinary me.

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