Tuesday, June 16, 2020

(1249)Meant not to be

There is a saying, marriages are made in heaven.

I have a childhood friend who fell in love with her business partner. They bought a condo to live in and built the business. Thus they were happy for many years. When he wanted to get married, she was too involved in her projects. The date was postponed. When she asked about it, it was a bad recession. Money was scarce. It is traditional to have a lavish reception, especially for an only son who would be the groom.

Then she had a life threatening condition that led to a hysterectomy. She barely escaped with her life. Since the partner's parents expected grandchildren, the entire line depends on her partner. My friend parted from the love of her life. She took the condo while he carried on with the business. She went to Australia for further studies.

Recalling this reminded me of another love story. Another friend of mine took off and visited US with the help of a few close friends. One gave her frequent flyer miles. Another gave her a cheque. Yet others gave her practical things like winter garments. She met her internet friend finally and stayed in his vicinity for almost a year. She came back a changed person. Travelling and staying abroad does broaden one's horizon. It was quite a few weeks upon her return that I heard the sad story. While she was awaiting his marriage proposal, he was undecided. After she purchased her return ticket, he cried and begged her to marry him. It was too late.
She got over him quite easily, but it took him years before he gave up. There are two points that I can't quite figure out:
1. Why wasn't it possible for her to delay the flight? After all, visa was not up and most airlines allowed a change of date 48 hours before flight time.
2. If the relationship meant that much to him, why couldn't he fly over and pursue her when his financial circumstances improved?
Of course in affairs of the heart, there are no easy answers.

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