Thursday, January 23, 2020

(1211) smash the hand phone

The smart phone is a versatile instrument that most people could not live without.

More than ten years ago I was staying in a rental semi-detached on a road called Desa Mansion. It was an old housing estate very near to the city in a tin mining town. The average number of people staying in those big houses is four. Many such houses were occupied by the old folks whose children have flown the coup.

Opposite my house lived a young couple with one son and one maid in renovated splendour. There were four huge rooms upstairs and one spacious room downstairs. The young mistress was a beautiful woman. She owns her retreat house a few miles away. Whenever she had a tiff with her indulgent husband, she would disappear for a few weeks before being "courted" by her husband to return.

One day he must have laid down some unacceptable rules, she threw her new hand phone (purchased and given by her husband) onto his new car's windscreen. I happened to be weeding in my front garden and heard the crash. Soon a group of old ladies and maids gathered in front of my gate to look at the shattered windscreen.

If you have been following this blog lately, you would know a 13 year old boy who alternated between mom's and dad's abodes. He was given I-pad and I-phone when he was 7 years old. Both gadgets were abruptly withdrawn one November, he was angry enough to throw his phone at the wide screen TV. As a consequence of the action, he was denied  a vacation in his father's town.

Here I note that the action of a child was not very different from that of a 35 year old woman who was a successful car salesperson.  

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