Thursday, January 23, 2020

(1207) To give or not to give

In the last blog, we talked about illicit hand phones that parents know nothing about. Let us follow such transactions through the years.

A bought a second-hand phone from a school mate. He placed it in another friend's house within walking distance from his home. As the phone ages, he could no longer continue to play certain games as they evolved until the old phone no longer could function efficiently running such a big program due to the memory constraints.

The old phone, however, is still perfectly functional. One could use it for What's app, We chat, sms, go online, take selfie and video. It has a certain monetary value for those who are not gamers. A could locate a buyer and unload his old phone before purchasing a brand new phone should he be able to save up enough dough. And of course such transactions are often risk prone. A friend's friend may not be trustworthy when it comes to financial dealing. Should any parent or teacher sniff any scent of such illicit sale or purchase, the authorities would clamp down on it and everyone loses either item or cash. Worse still, a person's credibility is totally gone in a moment.

Still, the smart phone is an essential part of our lives. You give it to a child too early and you create unnecessary problems. Yet if you with hold it for too long, your child will suffer the under development of digital soft skills which is so important for successful modern living.

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