Sunday, January 5, 2020

(1194) A clown

Many years ago, I was on a city bus travelling to a bus station down town. A small brown skin man was sharing with a Hindu bus driver and an old Chinese conductress.

Apparently, the small sized man who took out a clown's hat, said that he spent seven thousand dollars learning how to be a clown. You see, he has retired from a hard life of repairing roads. The days are long, and his wife expects him to help look after grand children. According to his holy books, he should share his faith with fellow men. And yet, how can an insignificant man like him do much for God? When he saw how children thronged around a clown during the festive opening of a nearby supermarket, a bright idea appeared.

Now he avails himself to bookings. Perhaps it is a birthday party. Maybe it is a lunch wedding reception in a community hall. Sometimes it is a school function. Or an anniversary celebration of a business enterprise. He juggles three balls. He distributes sweets to children. He tells jokes. He acted. Soon he will attend additional training fine tuning his art in sculpting balloons. Being able to add that to his repertoire will help him to command more fee per booking.

Now he meets people every time he clowns and does not lack folks to talk to. He talks about how God has seen him through tough times and lean years. He shares how the good Lord leads him to become a clown. After retirement, his dull life becomes exciting with many events and bookings. He makes new friends. He enjoys his new life as a clown. He was on his way to a town called Silibin to grace a birthday party of a five-year-old.

This incident came back to mind when my son showed me a photo taken during a wedding dinner of the founder's wife of the clown school in Kuala Lumpur.

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