Wednesday, October 2, 2019

(1161) Summary of a long story

I was collecting alkaline water in the office as my contact asked me," Are you from Seldarado?" Most people assumed that I was originally from this town. If not, then why did I end up spending years here?

Well, it was a long story. Normally, I don't really want to tell. Neither did anyone who asked really want to hear it. A few days later, I wondered if I could summarised the happenings within ten points. One afternoon I picked up a pen and wrote down ten pieces of facts.

1. I received a prophesy in the New Braunfels First Baptist Church on the last Sunday of September, 1984.

2. I had a dream in Seldarado, Sabah in 2013

3. A second dream with interpretation came three months or so later.

4. Answer to my prayer for one year's rental came.

5. A few trips to bring stuff over to equip a house by faith, an old car was shipped over

6. On the last two weeks' of that one year's rental, by chance I found a contract teaching job that gave me a work permit for one year's stay in August 2013.

7. Helping to teach my son's student, I came to the end of human methodology. Resorted to serious and persistent praying for a suicidal 11 year old boy.

8. Marching order to return to my home across the sea after 2.5 years in residence in Seldarado. Giving away half our household to fit into two small rooms, my son stayed on.

9. Hospitalisation and the  fight for my life. God's promise to heal. Published three books in paper format, medical fee is high.

10. Confirmation of plan to return to Seldarado on July 11, 2019 of $3407 given by kind people I newly met. Ended up working with a 16 year old who could not read in Chinese, English and Malay. Received direct guidance and began to see effect of my intervention in early September.

The following nine blogs would document this process that took about over forty years to fulfil.

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