Monday, November 26, 2018

(1036) Women's Retreat

I never imagine in my wildest dream that I would willingly sign up for a ladies' retreat. Now that sounds terrible to anyone else but me. I would not dare to say this statement in front of anyone except my nearest and dearest. But it is the absolute truth.

You see, my husband would tell anyone willing to listen that his wife thinks like men. My mom would say that I am extraordinary. My son thinks I'm one of a kind. My youngest would say that very few of her peer's moms are like me, and I would change the topic there and then as anything else that come out of her mouth after that sentence would not be too complimentary.

Yet I have just signed up for a ladies' program a few days back, willingly.

My friend has a daughter who is planning to pursue a course called Entertainment Arts. Now there is nothing wrong with that. But I must say that what is good for another girl is not quite suitable for this young lady. I am now old enough to realize one must not waste her breath to tell such things to a 17 year old. I have been telling God how sorry I feel for my friend. While it is perfectly ok for the daughter to bumble around feeling her way, the mother could not afford to waste extra money on supporting a course that may not lead to steady and gainful employment.

This young person is shy, not at all articulate in her speech and very naïve for her age. I am not saying she cannot change fast enough to work back stage. But her goal seemed to be front stage and she loves to sing. The latest fad I heard is she wants to forego rice totally to lose weight. Just two days ago I read about a main land Chinese man who substituted sweet fruits for dinner during three long months who developed some kind of toxic high sugar level leading to insulin injection diabetic syndrome. 

While ten horses would not be able to drag me to a program lasting 36 hours made up of two hundred women, I am willing to accompany this young girl there; hoping that she would meet someone with the right experience whom she would respect and listen to. I know that is a long shot. Well, it is up to God to pull off something amazing now. As I have proceeded with great caution and with prayers over a period of weeks. Most importantly, I sense great peace. Since my Lord is the Prince of Peace, the peace he gives is something priceless. This peace transcends all understanding and situations and circumstances. Still, what I am embarking on is unique and new, totally out of character for me.

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