Friday, November 23, 2018

(1031) Application to a mission organisation

I attended the prayer day of a local mission body, part of a bigger international organisation. After the event, lunch was served. Another visitor was filling in her application forms. She told my husband that she has struggled with it for weeks.

That prompted me to think of the three pages in my hand a good twenty years ago. I attended their camp in Cameron's Highland. Diane handed me the forms, a little longer than Australian Immigration Forms I obtained five years prior. But for a convert, it is difficult to find two Christian friends, two Christian colleagues, one Christian boss, one Christian room or housemate... I ended up returning the mission forms, did not write down anything. Just like the other set, easier to fill but I had no peace of mind.

Twenty five years later, I am glad I did not migrate to Australia. I heard that in the foreseeable future, one may not have gender on the birth certificate there. Most of my peers migrated there for their children's future. Yet what kind of future if the grand children are encouraged by the system to declare their gender to be male or female... and perhaps undergo gender reassigning operations, funded by generous government subsidy.

I am equally happy that I did not apply to any mission organisation twenty years ago. I am free to come and go, not tied to any organisation. During the tenure of the previous Executive Director, I went there to assist an older bi-lingual worker. Now I visit off and on, not really clicking with any of the staff or visitors, so far. I have a friend there to channel my recycling efforts to people in need in the Puchong area.  Recently loads of things passed through my house onto different destinations. As my house is small, as far as possible, I pass on things within 48 hours. I did not realise how a seemingly neat and tidy house could yield up tons of good but pretty useless items kept because of monetary value. Perhaps it is because my neighbour has many cabinets and wardrobes. She has rich cousins and sisters who like to shop and give her things. This is a second house I help to vacate. The first time my real estate friend was asked by a daughter in England to get rid of her mother's effects. I went to assist and took home lots of things useful to me and my family. Lorry loads of furniture and other stuffs went to goodwill. It is sad that one's treasure would become others' rubbish in the blink of an eye. It is a good lesson for me to try not to accumulate things in my lifetime.

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