Friday, November 23, 2018

(1034) Electric bill

In the state of Selangor, any water bill less than ten Malaysian Dollars and any electric bill of less than twenty Malaysian Dollars are paid by the State government.

Recently I was house sitting for my cousin and keeping my aunt company while the family was vacationing in Spain. While looking at old bills, I noted that their electric bill was $15.25. That was very low for a four-room house with two air-conditioners. For a fact I know they use an electric kettle to boil all their filtered water. I marvelled at their small carbon foot print. Since I handed housekeeping back to the family, I have consciously turned off fans and lights on in any empty area in my own home. I have no air-conditioner in my place. Moreover I use gas stove to boil my drinking water. Yet my electric bill is often between twenty and twenty five Dollars.

I mentioned this fact to my old friend Gladys. She commented that if there are four full time head count in the house, the bill could only be so low if there is one person who constantly turn things off. In her house her husband was the budget conscious one. You see, there is a huge difference between being green or being miserly. If my cousin is not poor, not pinching pennies, not too concern about carbon foot print, then could he or his wife be exerting control over this matter of electric usage? It is certainly interesting to look at the matter that way. I personally believe in recycling, in conserving resources and being a good steward. Yet I am not excessively compulsive over electric or water usage.

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