Tuesday, May 31, 2011

(437) Long lost grand uncle

My grand ma was born in the capital city of Kwangtong over a hundred years ago. On the day of her birth, her biological mother passed on. In those days, there was no formula milk. The family was not wealthy enough to hire a wet nurse. She was given away to a peasant family nearby.

It turned out that her adopted family loved her. When she was ten years old, her natural brother came to redeem her. If she had nodded her head, she would be bought back to be a part of her biological family. She would have had a chance to be educated. Her birth family was middle-class and they were Christian. When China fell to communist hands, her biological brother went to Hong Kong. My grand ma actually visited him on her trip back to Canton to visit her relatives. By now, he must have passed on as he was older than  my grandma. It seemed that there were two step-sisters. One of them was a teacher and the other one was a bible woman - what we call the full time worker in our churches here.

My grandma was a run away lamb, she herself chose to be a pagan. Rightfully, she should have a Christian heritage. However, her eldest son and his family are practising believers now. My mum, who is the younger daughter, now prays about her deepest concerns at night when she cannot sleep. No, you won't caught her dead in church. She is scared that once she steps into church, she would have to hand over money to the over fed leaders and pastors. I, of course, do not hold to such views. What God wants, is her love, trust, obedience and fellowship,  money is really the least of God's concerns.

Some where in this big, wide world are possibly a few descendants of  this grand uncle. If word of mouth is accurate, those step sisters were unmarried and childless.

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