Sunday, May 29, 2011

(433) People of means

The other day Veron and I was having a discussion about young mothers. We happened to know two wives of medical doctors. Although both the men are not full fledged specialists yet, both possess great earning potential.

Dr. Aaron married Amelia while Dr. Denny married Denise. Amelia has two sons while Denise has two daughters. The interesting part is that both women are homemakers but do not have full time maids. Amelia places great emphasis on disciplining her sons. Denise seemed to be flummoxed by her changeling second child. It was a complete paradox: Denise's elder daughter is of such a sweet nature that the difficult second one seemed to be a total opposite. But I suppose we can't choose what characteristics for babies like we shop by mail order directory.

Veron made a very shrewd observation: Amelia gave up her profession to bring up her kids. She even found space and time to house her husband's grandpa when he was being treated in a nearby hospital. Her husband is a very blessed man as she is very independent, capable and she has his best interest at heart.

We can't say the same for Denise. After she delivered her elder girl, she actually started on her law degree. While number two the changeling was an infant, she had to chamber for a few months before being called to the bar. Why, we ask each other, does the wife of a doctor need to strive so hard to be qualified? Does she really need to practise for her personal satisfaction? After all, as long as her husband is working, she will be well supplied for the rest of her life. If she does not intend to practise, then all the hard work spent getting that piece of paper  displayed on the wall is not justified. Well, this is a classic case of an over killing in self actualization.

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