Monday, May 9, 2011

(401) Zelda's testing

Remember Zelda? she went through a few months of testing. Funds dried up. Deals just came in when bills were almost overdue. The car broke down. She had to borrow money to pay for her son's college tuition. Some days she was so low in funds that she literally survived on the odds and ends left in her fridge. Since she did not mind eating left overs, I was able to supply her with a meal or two when she was really in need. But I want to emphasize that she never went hungry. Seeing and praying with her very often, I can testify that she had to depend on God. Throughout the past few months, she did not have anything more than six hundred dollars cash at any one day after her one-month mission trip to London. Anyone may become insecure with these circumstances but she chooses to count herself fortunate enough to be sifted like wheat flour. If she cannot learn to depend solely on God at home, how can she survive by faith in a foreign land?

On Sunday, she received a cheque ear-marked for her proposed six month stint.( Even though she planned on 3 months, the mission organisation strongly advised one year, so they compromised on six months.) The cheque brought not a big amount, but enough to be seed money for part of the air-ticket she asked God about. She remembered I prayed for her last week about the release of funds from her contacts, friends, clients or church members. I thought about it and nailed it down to last Thursday night. I actually asked specifically that the holy spirit will speak to these people of means. On Friday, the kind donor was finalising her accounts and decided to give the amount she set aside to Zelda. Zelda and I knew that this was a direct answer to our prayers. It means the second trip is on. We praise God for the prompt confirmation.

Just a note of update for those readers who are wondering about the foreign student Zelda and friend brought to Life Group and Church. He proved to be a consistent hard worker. His boss is very happy to schedule his working hours around his classes. He went to meetings faithfully and is grateful to God for enabling him to study here on limited means. I personally think that it is no shame that he is ambitious enough to want to better his future away from his war torn country. Of course those who would rather see him go back to his home country could pray about that. It is not unusual to find some nationalists feeling threaten by potential immigrants whom others term as economic refugees.

Read also (749), (361), (383), (487), (520), (994), and (9).

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