Friday, July 27, 2012

(998) The month of Ramadan

These are real incidence and fact related below:-

Elizabeth's friend's younger brother was in a hurry driving to school. He is a newly minted driver still on probation. As he saw the light turned yellow, he decided to run it as he knew from experience that if he stops, it would be eight minutes before it turns green. Sad to say, before his front wheels touched the next white line, the traffic light turned red. So technically he just run a red light.

A policeman was waiting and promptly flagged him down. The authority asked if he knew he just committed a traffic offence. Yes, he admitted. The man in gray uniform asked how much money he had, he answered ten dollars. This young man knew that should he receive a summon, his probationary period would be lengthened. His will weakened and he peeled off the only note in his thin wallet. The policeman accepted it gladly and waved him on.

Well, it is the holy month of Ramadan. It is not unusual that policemen lie in wait in the usual spots to catch errant drivers to squeeze out some cash so they would gather some extra dollars to supplement their meager pay. After all, the extra big family of many children dictated by culture and religion would required much money to clothe and feed. Moreover, some policemen may have a few wives to provide for.


Apparently there are many obese women in Egypt. As researchers worked at the numbers and data, they found that it was around the months of Ramadan that the women generally gained the most weight. It seems that during the entire month, women from that country have a tendency to sleep  for long hours in the mornings and spent the most part of the night cooking and eating. As soon as the sun rises, those who work at home go straight to sleep after a heavy meal. Although it was just one month in a year, if they could or would not shed the extra weight during the remaining 11 months, the accumulated weight gain each year add up to create a big group  of obese women.

For further reading,

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