Sunday, July 8, 2012

(982) Unexpected Trip 2

While waiting for this trip to Shanghai, I was wondering why God would say no to me going to Bangkok for a few days but insisted that I visit Shanghai. By now you probably know that I have spent many yearly vacations in visiting orphanages in Thailand, sometimes running English camps for disadvantaged hill tribe children.

In 1994, I was given a prophecy that sounded really unreal to me at that time. I took the written prophecy and showed it to my pastor and was so disturbed that I did not know whether to laugh or to cry. He, being a most wise man, told me that very often real prophecies from God sounded most improbable! God very often chooses weak vessels, he accomplishes the most remarkable feats with the most unlikely people. He said that there was a ring of truth in the prophecy. I would have to be mindful of it at all times and live my life in such a way that I would co-operate with God to accomplish His purposes.

I used to publish articles in Chinese newspapers and student magazine in my teenage years to earn some pocket money. During my college years, one English Professor told me that I should keep all the writings I did under her course, as they were up to publication standard. She for one ought to know, as she worked as a copy editor in her free time besides college teaching. Not being unduely proud, I do know that I could write. But I was most unwilling to knock at any publishers' doors for publication. I don't think I could take multiple rejections. On top of that I have lost the desire to become famous when I chose deliberately to follow God. There is simply no will in my heart to publish my work. Of course I could self publish, but that means coming up with money and then having to go round speaking and selling the books. It is not really an attractive option for me either.

In 2009 I saw the blog of my daughter's friend, immediately I saw that was a medium that I could accept to make my writings available to anyone in the entire world at a few key strokes. Thus the availability of a new technology enables me to obey God in writing and publishing. And I have not looked back since then.

While I was in China, I watched a few sessions of the same talk show. It was moderated by a relatively young Chinese man. From his accent, he must have either grown up or studied for many years in a Western country. I really enjoyed learning many new things and different ways of looking at socio-cultural issues faced by urban Chinese. I found myself talking to God, "if you meant for me to take part in this talk show representing the average evangelical Christian view point, I would love it!"

I was interviewed on a radio program as a sixteen year old over my examination results. It was aired in a student program by a local Chinese-language radio station. Subsequently I took part in a forum with the same host and other students from the same city, that was broadcast too. For a third time, I was invited to write an essay with a given topic and read my writing on air. After that, the host invited me to attend a special language course to teach me standardized pronunciation so that I could apprentice under him to learn how to host his program as he was offered better prospects in running another program . But since that course was to be held at night in a not-so-safe part of town, my father vetoed the idea and said if I was still interested in broadcasting as an adult then I could attend night classes then. Before I reached 21, I left for further studies in USA and poof went the broadcasting opportunity.

Of course there are many obstacles: I am many thousands of miles away from Shanghai. I can't see how I can visit or reside in Shanghai to be geographically available. But that will be God's worries. Meanwhile, I will start to read up on social, economical, cultural and political issues affecting urban Chinese as well as ex-patriots. To prepare for a role as a spokesperson, I cannot keep quiet and stay as a rather ordinary wall flower home maker anymore. I would have to reclaim my gift of the gab and sharpen my persuasive abilities. I was very into public speaking and debates in elementary and early secondary schools. I guess it is time to swing back into the vocal me, whether I like to or not. It is better to obey, since I choose to do it I might as well be happy about it.

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