Sunday, July 22, 2012

(992) Untold Stories of Missionary Yoo by Byung Kook Yoo

Since I was fourteen years old, I have been on the look out for missionary stories. The above mentioned book is the very first I have come across that featured a Korean couple who took their two little girls to west Africa.

I was amazed that as they prayed and trusted the good Lord, he actually sorted out their knotty problem in a miraculous way. You see, they were in a very backward and poor country. There were three schools their children could go to, one is a Baha'i School, the second being an American International School and the third is a boarding school in the next country. They felt the children were too young to leave them, so the boarding school was out. Neither did they want the children to attend a school with mostly Muslim children, out went the Baha'i School. Somehow they scraped together enough money to pay the high fee of the American place. But it was an elementary school, what would they do when the children finish elementary school?

A complete set of strangers wrote and offered to take the two girls for six years until they are ready to go to college. They are a godly Korean couple who resides in America. These god fearing and obedient folks heard from God that they were to care for the teenage girls. Actually they have three children of their own. It seemed like a family of five agreed to host two teenagers who grew up in Africa for six years. It is unbelievable for my mind to fathom.

All that actually happened as God planned, the elder girl is married and in medical school in USA. The younger girl has graduated from college at the time the book was written.  When people obey God's call, although it looked like they would compromise their children's future, it often works out far better than our wildest imagination. God not only owns all the cattle on a million hills, he works things out creatively beyond what we can plan, think, or dream.

This book was published by WEC Publications (

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