Saturday, October 22, 2011

(552) Girl friend?

My neighbour Ruby has a son who is rather good-looking. We will call him Eric. Eric met a girl, Gwen, in his pre-U days. While Eric went abroad to Canada, Gwen was studying at home. As soon as Eric finished and come back, Gwen went for her Masters in UK. They were separated for more or less four years. Now that both are done with their studies, you would think they would enjoy working and dating in the same city.

But truth is stranger than fiction. Gwen joined an airline and decided to fly for two years. I suppose it is quite a lucrative way to see the world. But what puzzled me is: why do young people thrive on this type of so called open relationship? This couple, Eric and Gwen, would celebrate their anniversaries on the day they met every month. In this internet age, it is quite an achievement for a couple to last one month, isn't it? Counting things their way, they actually weathered at least fifty anniversaries. I am impressed!

Their relationship has experienced set back before. Way back in his second year, they parted company. A few months later they mutually decided to get back together without telling any of their friends. Well into the fifth year, they are still unofficial. Since they parted, he did  not ask her to be his special and neither did she. I may be old fashion, but I wonder if they are dating around? Or are they keeping quiet about them getting together to avoid having to tell their friends the next break up?

Ruby hopes her son will meet other girls and if this one flies away, it is not a disaster as Eric is just twenty one years old.

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